Suffering from Fall Allergies?
Keep your windows closed. There are many outdoor allergens such as ragweed pollen and moldy leaves,and having the windows open basically turns indoor air into outdoor air, even with a great screens and filters.
Keep the air conditioning on for as long as possible. Forced AC can cut indoor pollen counts almost 90%.
By rinsing your nasal passages with saline, you can flush out a lot of the irritants and keep your nose much more clear.
Medicate as needed. Over-the-counter antihistamines are the first line of treatment. Be sure to use non-drowsy formulas. For more severe cases, a doctor can help you explore prescription options.
Forget spring cleaning, it's time to ramp it up for fall! To protect yourself from indoor allergens, keep the house as clean as possible, vacuum furniture and carpets frequently and don’t allow pets on furniture.
Check your air filters and dryer vents frequently for dust build up.